Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Whirlwind weekend

Although today is technically Tuesday, it's really like my Monday because my husband was off work yesterday. And boy has it started off as a Monday...

Everything you do, you hit roadblocks. That's just life - you try a new dance, you fall or get out of sync. You try a new recipe and find it needs some tweaking. Same with trying to change your entire way of eating cold-turkey...

Sunday was our "cheat day" - it began with us heading out to a taco stand (restaurant really but that's what it's called) that we frequent often. Deviated from our usual order of tacos and nachos. I only got some queso, not really for the carb-loaded chips but I wanted to drink cheese hah! We got four tacos - shredded pork, grilled fish, shredded sirloin and chicken. Not too bad of a cheat, I say. Except it all came out cold, and after having no soap and no papertowels in the bathroom, I was NOT in the mood for expensive, cold food. Returned the chips and queso, ate two tacos and got my money back and left. Ruined the place for me as it was one thing after another after another - maybe a good thing as it's no longer a temptation...

So we headed near the local private college and hit up the bookstore to see what new books we could get for our son (and Lululemon for these crop pants that were still on my mind since getting somethings last week). Connected to the bookstore is a Starbucks. My husband gets his usual and I opt for water - they comp his and discount mine (yes, yes, I'm a barista at Starbucks and some people are really nice with our discounts - which makes paleo even harder as I started working there purely for the free drinks). SCORE one for mom. I was saving my cheat... which was when I had later hit up MY Starbucks and got a sweetened black tea. Sigh. That's a lot of sugar and not a whole lot more - I'm not even going to try and argue that there are antioxidants in the tea... I made it myself so I added extra tea and ice, hoping to dilute the classic syrup I'd pumped in with wide eyes.

Yesterday (Monday) began GREAT - I went to work to collect my tips and my weekly mark-out (a pound of Willow Blend this time) and grabbed... another water. Yay! I'm not usually down for a 2$ bottle of water but they're pretty big and I was going to my very first Barre class.

I was SO excited for Barre. I'd read and heard so much about it and it was described at the yoga studio I go to as a mixture of ballet, pilates and yoga. I LOVE pilates and yoga - so sign me up! This was the "basics" class although the instructor assured me that wasn't a synonym for easy - it was just a little slower paced to make sure our moves were proper so our lunges and warriors weren't causing us knee or other joint pain. It totally kicked my ass and I was sweating, A LOT. My ass is pretty sore this morning and it'll be interesting later when I go to the gym in our lofts and attempt some crossfit moves and definitely, some squats.

Cut to my son having a really tough day. He's no stranger to teething - he is getting his 7th tooth at only 10 months. He's a trooper, really. But add in his newfound skill of walking (running, really) and all the falls that entails with a tooth that is at its worst stage of emerging and this mom was ready to get him out of the house and out for... ice cream! Yes, the mom who gives her child nothing but organic foods and has never let him have one spoonful of commercial baby food or formula, took her son out for Coldstone chocolate ice cream with sprinkles! Totally takes his mind off of his teeth (numbs them and constricts the blood vessels so maybe, just maybe, they'll stop pulsating with pain for a bit) and he enjoyed being near a college campus and getting to see all the commotion of school starting back up. I totally ate some too - damn. But it was yummy and I'm not going to deny myself a memory of sharing ice cream with my giggling kiddo! And who's throwing away extra 5$ ice cream? Not me!

Today has been a bit of a mess. My coffee is already cold, and when I went to heat up a non-paleo meal (I'm not even going to name it because I'm pretty irritated with myself for even opening it but it was the last non-paleo thing in the house and I swear to god it was challenging me and calling me to it!), the overly sensitive smoke alarms in the loft went off. JUST as I'd gotten my son down for a nap. Fuck my life. I swooped him out of his crib, opened the doors and took him outside until the incessant beeping went off. The paleo gods had spoken - I was NOT to eat this "meal". (There was seriously NO smoke, I don't get it...). So now, here I sit, with cold coffee half way through the Teen Mom 3 premiere, writing out my son's meal plan for the week, wearing pajama bottoms I haven't worn in awhile that smell like home (1,000 miles away where all of my friends and family are), feeling very emotional. It's going to be one of those days.

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