Sunday, August 25, 2013

Sugar is an absolute drug (withdrawals)

So this is my second time detoxing from carbohydrates and sugar. For some background, I'm hypoglycemic and get incredibly dizzy and shaky and weak when I don't eat every few hours. My husband would always make sure I had food on hand or the devil would emerge - seriously. I was SUCH a grouch yesterday and bless him for dealing with me. I snap at every little thing when I'm hungry and denying my body of sugar - even though I was eating other delicious meals - had me in a permanent pissed off mood.

So that was yesterday! A little more information - I'm a barista. I work in a coffee shop which is basically a candy shop. Every thing, including those "healthy" green teas people enjoy oh-so-much, contain sugar. Seriously - sugar is on the label BEFORE the green tea matcha powder. Think about that next time you order and think you're doing your body more than a disservice. I am pretty easily able to avoid the temptation at work, especially with the pastry case as that's never been my kryptonite (my kryptonite, by the way, is strawberries stuffed and then covered in Nutella).

This morning - I felt GREAT. Slept GREAT - I swear to you, the BEST SLEEP ever is that when your body is full of healthy fats and rid of sugary carbs. Out like a light and awake without issue - which is good news for someone with a 10-month-old kid who is already walking (running) and could care less what mommy had going on last night after he went to bed (which was work until about 11pm following by a-more-than-usual frustrating pumping session).

Cut to me actually having to drag my ass out of bed - so. weak. Dizzy. Felt like I was going to vomit. Instead of immediately grabbing sugar like I would before - I got angry. Angry that I let my body get addicted to needing such pointless, empty crap that I would actually be detoxing from it. Detoxing. Like a drug. This further fuels my drive for eliminating this stuff from my life, and later, from my son's life. For now, I still let him have gluten, and juice when his digestive tract isn't running so smoothly (is that a more polite way of saying constipated? lol), things that his pediatrician assures me are alright. I don't want to force my new lifestyle on him until I've seen the effects it has on my husband and I, and I certainly don't want him missing out on any nutrients. This usually means making him whole wheat pancakes with fresh preserves from the local farmers market as I stare at my fingers, covered in strawberry sugary goodness, from ripping it into bite-size pieces for his little mouth (and SIX teeth!).

So other than the constant battle going on inside my head - between wanting to stuff my face full of things that have, up to this point, never made me gain weight and wanting to be the healthiest I can be for my breastfeeding son. So far, I'm sticking to it and have seen a nice reflection of my work on the scale. Today is a "cheat day" however, so we will see what lunch has in store for us. I was addicted to Coca-Cola (fountain only, never canned or bottled - weird!) before all of this and will make sure not to let that creep back in, not even on a "cheat day." I call this getting my shit together - har har.

But yes - I'm four pounds down (from 115 to 111) and on day three of carb/sugar detox.

edit - I just spilled all of my bulletproof coffee on the floor while reaching for some ice to cool it off to chug before my workout. Yup. New me - same shitty luck. Huzzah!

- Cavewoman mom

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